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Welcome to the Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for December 29. We wish everyone a Covid-free and Happy New Year coming up.
If you haven't yet taken your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for 2021, you are running out of time!

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I Live in New York, and Don't Want to Retire too Far Away

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Encinitas, California

Just 25 miles north of San Diego this beautiful town offers a terrific retirement experience. The surfing inspired "Surfin' USA", and the outdoor lifestyle features perfect weather every day. More >>

These Are the Blogs Our Readers Were Most Interested in Last Year

One thing is clear from looking at our site logs - a lot of people are interested in retiring on a a lake (and why not!). Here are the blogs that generated the most interest last year, along with the winning state/country, city, and active community reviews. You will never guess which state/country guide came out on top!  More >>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

More People Retired Last Year, But Fewer Moved Out of State

Thanks to Covid, more people than ever retired last year. But in a big surprise, fewer retirees moved out of state. Here are the states where the most retirees moved, with #1 on the list being a pretty big surprise!  More  >>


Lakeland, Florida

Lakeland, not too surprisingly, offers plenty of lakes for your retirement. It also boasts Frank Lloyd Wright's  "A Child of the Sun" project for Florida Southern College, the largest one-site collection of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings in the world. More >>

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